27 Apr 2007

At last things seem to be improving

27 April 2007

Hi readers this week seem to of been very busy, my nose bleeds started again, but we seem to have the answer now, the ENT nurse said it is because I am having showers that are to hot & its increasing my blood pressure causing the bleeds, this is a relief because I was getting fed up of getting out of the shower with a nose bleed & no clothes on & then having to seek help.

The problem I have from this is that my osteopath states I cannot have baths so I will have to become a real dirty old man. This is made worse because if I put smelly stuff on to cover body odours they give me headaches, so I will also be a smelly dirty old man.

I went to the GP to sort out my back, she tells me that I have to go through physio, for a month, painkillers & then finally the consultant may!!!!! decide to do something about the problem.

I have finally got permission to have a new computer, which will work with voice recognition, so beware my posts may get longer & more frequent.

AMO is sorting out a design for my birthday invites so these will be going out in the next week or 2, for those of you who are interested I have put another couple of pictures on my other blog they are quite nice & of Prague, have you guessed where the photo at the top is, well its in Luxor Egypt, not bad an amateur I hope this is just another to finish off this post

20 Apr 2007

Another One of Those Rotten Tog Weeks

Well hello all you readers what a week it has been, on Tuesday I went to submit my divorce papers, I thought it would be a complicated process.

In reality all I had to do was take the papers to court, swear on the bible & give my signature twice, to set the end of our marriage in motion, the solicitor told me by the end of next month we will be divorced.

It seems such a shame after so long but maybe it is the only way we can move on.

The following day I started with a simple nose bleed that got worse & worse, & despite my friend Geoff’s best efforts it would not stop so we ended up at A & E at the local hospital, where I spent the day.

I was triaged very quickly but then left to bleed into a bowl for 1 hour until a nice doctor stuck bungs up my nostrils which was very painful, he then informed me that I was being admitted overnight for observation, so I told Geoff & suggested he go home.

Whilst waiting it was interesting to hear about the problems in A & E with capacity it seems they were on code Amber & a waiting list of 2 hours, but other hospitals wanted them to take their excess capacity, & no hospital appeared to be able to have spare capacity.

Despite all this I waited for half an hour for a porter who never came & in the end a staff nurse had to take me to the ward.

It seemed to take for ever to process me on the ward, then finally I saw the doctor at 3.30pm who cauterised my nostrils & said I could go home in half an hour, in actual fact it was another hour.

This was great but I had set friends off to bring me clothes etc in, so then I had to contact them again to cancel it, lets hope it’s a long time before I have another nose bleed.

As you can imagine I got home & was absolutely exhausted by doing nothing all day & have still not yet picked up.
On a happier note I decided to sort out my costume for my birthday, I think I may of finally found something thats even topical, but very warm, the man at the shop said what about Elvis, well what abot Elvis, far to easy.
I also have started to sort out invitations so they may be with you quite soon

10 Apr 2007

Yet another new Blog where will it all end

10 April 2007

Well all you readers I have finally done it despite all the pain I have created my new blog which you can view through the link. http://fastfood-francisthefearless.blogspot.com/

This is despite all the pain I am having at present, mainly because it had to be done.

Have you guessed where the location was, it was in fact in Ronda, in Spain.

Further good news, as you will know I have contacted everybody & already Hamster has offered to take up the challenge & provide some photos from an exotic location.

My friend Kath told me today that she has one of her photos on show at Manchester Art Gallery so to save you the trip I hope to show it on my Blog in the near future, fancy me having such talented friends.

Now for the bad news, it is possible that I may be arranging another concert for Bury Shopmobility & possibly have my first act, so you will have to put up with the ups & downs of this as the year goes on.

Even worse I will shortly be building up to finding my costume for my birthday fancy dress, also Brian & I went to check the building for the venue was still there yesterday, I will be keeping you up to date on progress, as we get nearer.